Don’t Fall Victim to Ransomware

Ransomware cyber threats are exploding, protect your business with these tips.

Understanding Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware attackers use to gain access to, and encrypt your data. They offer to provide the decryption key, only if you pay a ransom within a short window of time. This threat is the number-one IT security challenge facing organizations today. Healthcare, universities and resource-limited small and mid-size businesses the most likely targets.

Cybercriminals exploit a variety of threat vectors, with email delivery making up nearly 60% of the ransomware infections. Without a comprehensive email security strategy, your organization is almost certain to become a victim.

Key Ransomware Stats

  • 47% of business have been affected by ransomware.
  • 59% of ransomware infections are delivered via email attachments and embedded URLs.
  • The FBI reports that $209 million was paid to ransomware criminals in the first quarter of 2016.

Learn how Sendio can protect your organization from ransomware.